LA Bound: The Ultimate Guide

The Ultimate Guide To Moving To Los Angeles

from Hollywood’s Success Coach, Erica Wernick


Hey there, I’m Erica Wernick. I moved to Los Angeles from Philadelphia to pursue my Hollywood dreams.

That was 15 years ago. I wanted to work in television as a Graphic Designer, but had no idea how Hollywood worked or how I would break in. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any connections, and in a town where who-you-know is everything, I felt lost.

But I didn’t let that stop me. My dreams were calling. So I packed up all my things, got on a plane, and moved to Los Angeles. For the first few weeks, I crashed on my sister’s friend’s sister’s couch. I had never met her before. It was lonely and terrifying. But I made it work. Using her neighbor’s internet (or, uh…stealing…), I cold contacted over 150 people in Hollywood, and eventually one person responded. That person helped me book my first TV show, just two weeks after moving to LA, and that began my 15-year career in television.

You may have seen my work on shows like Glee, Superstore, and This Is Us. If I never took that leap to move to LA, my dreams would have never came true.


Progress always involves risk; you can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first.

- Frederick B. Wilcox


Now, I’m a little obsessed with helping other artists achieve their Hollywood dreams. In 2013, I wrote a book called LA Bound: The Ultimate Guide to Moving to Los Angeles. I wanted to provide a thorough guide for new people chasing dreams. Since then, I’ve expanded to coaching, and my clients have booked work on Netflix, HBO, Hulu, CBS, and FOX, just to name a few.

Now that 10 years have passed, it’s time for an updated 10th anniversary version! Right now on Amazon, you can get the 10th anniversary second edition of LA Bound (in paperback for the first time!).

If you’re thinking of moving to Los Angeles, check out my book, LA Bound. I’m here to make your move a little less scary, and help you succeed at your biggest dreams.


Much love,
